We are happy to do business with you. Please note the following

terms and conditions that apply for bookings outside Germany:


You will receive an invoice at the time of your booking

covering 50 (fifty) percent of the agreed-upon professional fee.


To validate the booking, all of the following items must

be received at least 60 (sixty) days prior to the event:

1) Precise venue, dates and times of the program

2) Arrival of the amount mentioned in the invoice
in Dr. Gunter Umbach’s German bank account

3) Either a full-fare, refundable economy airline
ticket or reimbursement of air travel expenses

4) Hotel document confirming that you cover costs
of accommodation and breakfast

If the above 4 requirements are not met (for whatever reason),
both parties are free to use the reserved seminar dates in other ways.

This means that without further notice, both parties
can allocate the original dates to other projects.


Unused tickets will then not be reimbursed.


If the event is cancelled within 60 to 30 days prior

to the workshop, 25 percent of the complete fee is retained

as holding fee and for administrative expenses.

The remaining 25 percent will be reimbursed.


If the event is cancelled within 30 days prior to

the event, there will be no reimbursement.


You may record Gunter’s presentation on audio or video

for internal use in your organization free of charge.

However if the recording is to be sold, there is an

additional charge of 50% of the speaking fee

for recordings.


You will receive an electronic invoice for the remaining 50 percent

of the professional fee within one week after the event

payable within two weeks.


If you pay the investment in full 60 (sixty) days prior to the event,

you will receive a 10 (ten) percent discount since you pay in advance.


Looking forward to a a fruitful cooperation.



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